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The world top seven movies

 Here are the top seven prison escape movies:

1. *The Shawshank Redemption* (1994) - a highly acclaimed and beloved film about hope, redemption, and friendship.

2. *The Great Escape* (1963) - a classic WWII movie based on a true story, starring Steve McQueen and James Garner.

3. *Papillon* (1973) - a biographical drama about Henri Charrière's numerous escape attempts from Devil's Island.

First three movies link

1Shawshank redemption movie

2 the great escape

3 papilon

4. *Escape from Alcatraz* (1979) - a thriller starring Clint Eastwood as Frank Morris, who attempts to escape from the notorious Alcatraz Island prison.

5. *The Count of Monte Cristo* (2002) - an adaptation of the classic novel, featuring a betrayal, imprisonment, and a daring escape.

6. *Midnight Express* (1978) - a drama based on the true story of Billy Hayes, an American imprisoned in Turkey and his escape attempts.

7. *Escape Plan* (2013) - an action-packed movie starring Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger as prisoners who team up to escape from a high-tech prison.

These movies showcase thrilling stories of resilience, ingenuity, and the human spirit's ability to overcome adversity. Enjoy your cinematic escape!

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